Summer Running 2016 Begins Monday, June 6

Thursday, June 2 2016 - Summer Running (7 AM)


Ty Warner Park

7:00 AM

The 2015-16 school year is in the books ... which means it's time to think about summer running and the upcoming 2016 cross country season!

Once again, we will meet throughout the summer for summer running. This year we're making some slight changes to the schedule, partially due to where the Fourth of July holiday falls, but mostly due to IHSA regulation on the number of "contact" days we, as coaches, can have with the kids - that is, 25 days between June 1 and July 31. The tentative schedule for this summer has us meeting most Mondays through Thursdays at Ty Warner Park at 7:00 am.

In the past, we have met Mondays through Fridays, but this summer we felt that it would be most efficient for our program if we were to meet every week throughout June and July except for the week of the Fourth of July.

High school runners should also expect some changes this summer to our typical summer running schedule. Yes, the long runs will still be a major component of it. This summer, however, high school runners should expect to run workouts at least once a week.

For high schoolers, it is also mandatory that you record their mileage that you run each day of the summer on this website, at least starting from June 6th onwards. This includes any days that we do not meet for club running (yes, Saturdays and Sundays as well). We've kind of gotten away from this in past years, but it is time that we make it a regular habit of our summer running again.

We'll even help you out - we'll list about how many miles we run for each route on our weekly workout schedule -- which we will post by Sunday night of each week. 

Returning high school runners - if you have an account on this website already, but can't get access to it, let me (Coach Dunne) know pronto. E-mail me, text me, whatever, and I'll get it fixed for you. If you want to change to a new username, no problem - just let me know. Otherwise, sign up for an account ASAP.

Freshmen - You should sign up for an account as soon as possible so that I can activate your account so you can begin recording your summer mileage.


See you soon for summer running!

Coach Wolf

Coach Marose

Coach Dunne