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Cross Country
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Abbatacola, Luke
Abbatacola, Hannah
Abbatacola, Tim
Abington, Brandon
Aho, Michael
Albespy, Magali
Aldridge, Collin
Alessi, Anthony
Alessi, Connor
Ambrose, Tony
Anderson, Trisha
Anderson, Lauren
Andrews, Wendy
Arndt, Kate
Arndt, Lily
Arndt, Maggie
Arndt, Henry
Arseneau, Julie
Asa, Imogene
Asa, Sam
Aydelott, Ryan
Babb, Kyla
Baig, Juwaria
Bailey, Chris
Bailey, Kevin
Bailey, Maureen
Bakhos, Fadi
Balaz, Erik
Baldo, Betsy
Baldo, Nick
Barber, Tom
Barnacle, Brian
Barnacle, Doug
Barnacle, Kevin
Barry, Sara
Bartel, Shari
Bautista, Delsy
Bautista, Carlos
Bautista, Jeremy
Bayne, Sarah
Beams, Chris
Benoist, Adam
Berbaum, Titus
Berbaum, Owen
Bersamin, Karen
Bigeck, Ryan
Binder, Chuck
Blaine, Makenzie
Blaine, Colton
Bodel, Chris
Bowen, Hannah
Bowen, Molly
Brower, Parker
Brown, Quintin
Brunke, Tim
Bueser, TJ
Burn, Kris
Burns, Robbie
Camacho, Matthew
Campbell, Wally
Carlisle, George
Carlson, Annie
Carr, Gavin
Casper, Kyle
Cassidy, Karen
Chambers, Jen
Chapman, Griffin
Charlton, Nick
Cherim, Pierre
Chmielewski, Colin
Chuman, Crystal
Chuman, Laureen
Cisneros, Luis
Clouse, Stefan
Compton, Ryan
Cordero, Tony
Cousins, Christina
Cramer, Evan
Crichlow, Zach
Cross, Alayne
Daoud, Bayan
Daoud, Eslam
Daoud, Amr
Dea, Lucas
Dea, Nick
Dea, Tom
DeMoss, Nasser
Denman, Scot
DeSagun, Dylan
Devine, Callie
Dina, Chris
Doll, Tim
Doll, Chris
Dooley, Jake
Drapala, Pete
Durr, Declan
Dvorak, Jeff
Dvorak, Scott
Eiermann, Brittany
Eiermann, Ashley
Eiermann, Jason
El-Zakhem, Adib
Engstrom, Annikah
Fabry, Frankie
Farag, Magi
Finn, Kathy
Finn, Dan
Foertsch, Leo
Forzley, Matt
Fosses, Michelle
Franklin, Emma
Free, Kyle
Free, Chris
Frees, Eric
Fukar, Morgan
Fukar, Trevino
Gaspar, Andy
Gavini, Raj
Gedraitis, Matt
Gill, Sunny
Gonzalez, Adrian
Goralewski, Randy
Gordon, Paul
Gorman, Andrew
Gorman, Michelle
Greaney, Isabella
Greaney, Gavin
Green-Saunders, Curtis
Greenfield, Becky
Greenfield, Kathy
Greicar, Gary
Grish, Malinda
Grish, Danielle
Grundhofer, Juliet
Grundhofer, Sarah
Guy, Tim
Habib, Chris
Hammadeh, Rani
Hanba, Elias
Hardiek, Paul
Harlow, Susan
Harmer, Jenn
Haruda, Standa
Heady, Dana
Hickey, Mikayla
Higgins, Ana
Holden, Chris
Holecek, Jessica
Honore, Ray
Hummel, Zach
Hussain, Nisreen
Jagger, Gene
Jaidinger, Karl
Jaidinger, Julie
Jarlson, Quentin
Jaspers, Anne
Jaspers, Morris
Jimenez, Felix
Johnson, Mollie
Johnson, Makayla
Jurkowski, Betty
Jurkowski, Linda
Jurkowski, Grace
Juska, Jake
Kaestner, Lily
Kalafut, Cecille
Kalafut, Joe
Kalafut, Carolyn
Karabatsos, Nick
Karam, Joe
Karesh, Johnny
Kerr, Juliana
Keyes, Kevin
Khiani, Resham
Kienzle, Kaitlin
Kienzle, Caroline
Klewinski, Elisa
Kmak, Rick
Knierim, Erika
Kolaczkowski, Tim
Kone, Ishmay
Koopman, Kelly
Kosinski, Scott
Kostal, Evelyn
Kovisto, Kaisa
Kowalski, Brandon
Kowalski, Oliwier
Kraft, Allie
Kraft, Kyle
Krebbers, Saskia
Kuc, Joe
Kuc, Greg
Kuchipudi, Raj
Kuchler, Phil
Kurt, Sarah
Lalonde, Paul
Landes, Liz
Landes, Ethan
Larem, Scott
Larios, Perla
Latsonas, Dimitrios
Launi, Michelle
Lin, Jesse
Lin, Joyce
Lin, Linda
Lindsey, Jessica
Lischalk, Anthony
Lopez, Judy
Macey, Matt
Machacek, Mati
Maison, Kyle
Mannos, Chris
Marshinski, Chloe
Martin, Jon
Martinez, Tori
Martinez, Gabriel
Martinez, John
Maslany, Emilia
May, Sophie
McBride, Bill
McDermott, Joseph
Mechelewski, Nicole
Melau, Jake
Meyers, Bryan
Michalek, Chris
Miller, Jacque
Mohammed, Ali
Monroe, Sarah
Morrison, Dan
Morrison, Tommy
Moy, Eddie
Mudrak, Tony
Muncie, Katie
Muncie, Jessie
Murrey, Kelly
Nader, Jacob
Naom, Mark
Nash, Halle
Nash, Peyton
Nelson, Kirk
Nese, Frank
Nickoley, Christy
Nickoley, Dan
Niemiec, Lisa
Nili, Sarvnaz
Noonan, Tim
Nothnagel, Emily
Novota, Nate
Nutakki, Vinod
O'Connor, Sarah
O'Connor, Henry
Orozco, Alicia
Orozco, Kennedy
Padgitt, Ben
Padolina, David
Panda, Christy
Panek, Tom
Pantke, Dave
Panzica, Joe
Pardy, Sydney
Pasko, Gabby
Patrick, Mike
Pavlicek, Matt
Perez, Julian
Perez Lopez, Osciel
Perrotta, Mitch
Peterson, Eric
Petrov, Nikolay
Pettigrew, Aisha
Phelps, Jaden
Pierson, Lauren
Pleva, RJ
Pleva, Ryan
Ponce, Melissa
Porch, Damon
Potieni, Teja
Pryzborowski, Mike
Radoha, Joshua
Ragalie, Gino
Rakowski, Jimmy
Rao, Ajay
Rao, Sridhar
Rasmussen, Adam
Reasor, John
Reeter, Annie
Reeves, Mark
Reid, Mike
Reid, Megan
Requiron, Jasper
Retzlaff, Todd
Rice, Steve
Richards, Trisha
Rivero, Diego
Robertson, Mike
Robertson, Patrick
Robinson, Krista
Rogers, Shane
Rogers, Brian
Rosland, Tim
Ruiz, Whittney
Runkle, Ben
Russo, Robert
Sacco, Serena
Saksa, Andrew
Santore, Dominic
Sauciunaite, Greta
Sauragal, Urduja
Scanlan, Dan
Scates, Lester
Schultz, Katie
Schultz, Katie
Scott, Sabrina
Sedivy, Zach
Sherrier, Jason
Sica, Kaleb
Siler, Steve
Siler, Stacy
Silverio, Roger
Sinnes, Jessica
Siwinski, Tony
Siwinski, Phil
Slattery, Hannah
Smith, Lindsey
Smith, Andre
Smith, Alex
Smorkowski, Caroline
Soltwisch, Sam
Sorn, Keith
Spezia, Grace
Speziale, Sydne
Stone, Kirk
Strobl, Jake
Strobl, Nick
Strohmaier, Abby
Sweeten, Dan
Szachnitowski, Robert
Szeredy, Karl
Szynal, Lizzy
Taal, Inigo
Tayebali, Abbas
Tenorio, Yezenia
Tenorio, Erica
Tenorio, Pedro
Terlak, Emily
Thomas, Victoria
Thomas, Marquis
Thompson, Kaitlyn
Tikhiy, Paul
Tobin, Elliot
Todd, Karen
Torrens, Seth
Torres, Matthew
Turner, Mike
Tyminski, Megan
Tyminski, Kurt
Uekermann, Torsten
Urban, Nick
Van Deven, Tom
VanDam, David
Vandercar, Alayna
Vath, Jessica
Vazquez, Anita
Virkkala, Jason
Vitek, Mirek
Vohra, Adam
Vohra, Sameer
Wallin, Grant
Weatherly, Kayla
West, Jaden
West, Brad
Wethkamp, Yannis
White, Lexi
White, Zach
White, Josh
Widrlechner, Pat
Widrlechner, Terry
Wieczorek, Scott
Wilder, Tony
Williamson, Rahul
Windisch, Max
Winston, Bob
Wolz, Erlene
Wyse, Carolyn
Yates, Amanda
Zaba, Katie
Zabielski, Katie
Zabielski, Meggie
Zakhem, Saleena
Zakhem, BJ
Select a Meet
Away (vs. Immaculate Conception) (09/01/1987)
Away (vs. Chicago Christian) (09/03/1987)
Plainfield Invitational (09/05/1987)
Home Meet (vs. Evergreen Park and Minooka) (09/08/1987)
Home Meet (vs. Nazareth and St. Joseph's) (09/10/1987)
Away Meet (vs. Lemont and Timothy Christian) (09/15/1987)
Manteno Invitational (09/19/1987)
Away Meet (vs. Elmwood Park) (09/22/1987)
Home Meet (vs. Montini, Riverside-Brookfield, an (09/24/1987)
Home Meet (vs. Lisle) (09/29/1987)
Lisle (Mane Event) (10/03/1987)
Home Meet (vs. Driscoll) (10/08/1987)
Benet Invitational (10/10/1987)
NEC Conference Championship (10/17/1987)
Riverside-Brookfield F/S Invitational (10/20/1987)
IHSA Class A Lisle Regional (10/24/1987)
IHSA Amboy Sectional (10/31/1987)
Home (vs. Chicago Christian) (08/30/1988)
Plainfield Invitational (09/03/1988)
Away Meet (vs. Evergreen Park and Minooka) (09/06/1988)
Away Meet (vs. Nazareth) (09/08/1988)
Home Meet (vs. Timothy Christian) (09/13/1988)
Manteno Invitational (09/17/1988)
Away Meet (vs. Elmwood Park and Lemont) (09/20/1988)
Home Meet (vs. Montini) (09/22/1988)
Away Meet (vs. Lisle) (09/27/1988)
Lisle (Mane Event) (10/01/1988)
Away Meet (vs. Driscoll) (10/04/1988)
Benet Invitational (10/08/1988)
NEC Conference Championship (10/15/1988)
Riverside-Brookfield F/S Invitational (10/18/1988)
IHSA Class A Lisle Regional (10/22/1988)
Away Meet (vs. Timothy Christian) (08/29/1989)
Plainfield Invitational (09/02/1989)
Away Meet (vs. Evergreen Park and Minooka) (09/05/1989)
Away Meet (vs. Chicago Christian) (09/07/1989)
Home Meet (vs. Sandwich) (09/12/1989)
Manteno Invitational (09/16/1989)
Away Meet (vs. Elmwood Park and Lemont) (09/19/1989)
Home Meet (vs. IMSA and Montini) (09/21/1989)
Home Meet (vs. Lisle) (09/26/1989)
Lisle (Mane Event) (09/30/1989)
Away Meet (vs. Riverside-Brookfield) (10/03/1989)
Benet Invitational (10/07/1989)
NEC Conference Championship (10/14/1989)
IHSA Class A Lisle Regional (10/21/1989)
IHSA Amboy Sectional (10/28/1989)
Home Meet (vs. Timothy Christian) (08/28/1990)
Plainfield Invitational (09/01/1990)
Home Meet (vs. Evergreen Park and Minooka) (09/04/1990)
Home Meet (vs. Immaculate Conception) (09/06/1990)
Away Meet (vs. Chicago Christian) (09/12/1990)
Manteno Invitational (09/15/1990)
Home Meet (vs. Elmwood Park, Lemont, and Minooka (09/18/1990)
Away Meet (vs. Montini and Nazareth) (09/20/1990)
Away Meet (vs. Coal City and Lisle) (09/25/1990)
Lisle (Mane Event) (09/29/1990)
Home Meet (vs. Riverside-Brookfield) (10/02/1990)
Benet Invitational (10/06/1990)
NEC Conference Championship (10/13/1990)
IHSA Class A Lisle Regional (10/20/1990)
IHSA Amboy Sectional (10/26/1990)
Away Meet (vs. Batavia, Minooka, and Seneca) (09/03/1991)
Plainfield Invitational (09/07/1991)
Home Meet (vs. Montini) (09/10/1991)
Sandwich Invitational (09/14/1991)
Away Meet (vs. Elmwood Park, Lisle, and Seneca) (09/17/1991)
Manteno Invitational (09/21/1991)
Away Meet (vs. Lemont and Ridgewood) (09/24/1991)
Away Meet (vs. Riverside-Brookfield) (10/01/1991)
Lisle (Mane Event) (10/05/1991)
Home Meet (vs. Evergreen Park) (10/08/1991)
Benet Invitational (10/12/1991)
Southwest Suburban Conference Championship (10/19/1991)
IHSA Class A Lisle Regional (10/26/1991)
IHSA Oregon Sectional (11/02/1991)
IHSA Class A State Finals (11/09/1991)
Plainfield Invitational (09/05/1992)
Home Meet (vs. Ridgewood and Walther Lutheran) (09/08/1992)
Sandwich Invitational (09/12/1992)
Home Meet (vs. Chicago Christian) (09/15/1992)
Home Meet (vs. Coal City and Lemont) (09/22/1992)
Belvidere Invitational (09/26/1992)
Home Meet (vs. Elmwood Park and Riverside-Brookf (09/29/1992)
Lisle (Mane Event) (10/03/1992)
Away Meet (vs. Evergreen Park) (10/06/1992)
Benet Invitational (10/10/1992)
Southwest Suburban Conference Championship (10/17/1992)
IHSA Class A Lisle Regional (10/24/1992)
IHSA Oregon Sectional (10/31/1992)
IHSA Class A State Finals (11/07/1992)
Plainfield Invitational (09/04/1993)
Home Meet (vs. Seton and Walther Lutheran) (09/07/1993)
Sandwich Invitational (09/11/1993)
Away Meet (vs. Chicago Christian) (09/14/1993)
Home Meet (vs. Evergreen Park) (09/16/1993)
Away Meet (vs. Lemont) (09/21/1993)
Aurora Central Catholic (Charger Classic) (09/25/1993)
Away Meet (vs. Elmwood Park) (09/28/1993)
Lisle (Mane Event) (10/02/1993)
Away Meet (vs. Evergreen Park and Riverside-Broo (10/05/1993)
Benet Invitational (10/09/1993)
Southwest Suburban Conference Championship (10/16/1993)
IHSA Class A Lisle Regional (10/23/1993)
IHSA Class A Herscher Sectional (10/30/1993)
IHSA Class A State Finals (11/06/1993)
Away Meet (vs. Evergreen Park) (08/30/1994)
Plainfield Invitational (09/03/1994)
Home Meet (vs. Walther Lutheran) (09/06/1994)
Sandwich Invitational (09/10/1994)
Home Meet (vs. Chicago Christian) (09/13/1994)
Woodstock Invitational (09/17/1994)
Home Meet (vs. Lemont and Lisle) (09/20/1994)
Aurora Central Catholic (Charger Classic) (09/24/1994)
Home Meet (vs. Elmwood Park) (09/27/1994)
Lisle (Mane Event) (10/01/1994)
Home Meet (vs. Riverside-Brookfield) (10/04/1994)
Benet Invitational (10/08/1994)
Southwest Suburban Conference Championship (10/15/1994)
IHSA Class A Lisle Regional (10/22/1994)
IHSA Herscher Sectional (10/29/1994)
IHSA Class A State Finals (11/05/1994)
Plainfield Invitational (09/02/1995)
Away Meet (vs. Evergreen Park, Lemont and Plainf (09/05/1995)
Sandwich Invitational (09/09/1995)
Away Meet (vs. Batavia, Burlington Central, Gene (09/12/1995)
Woodstock Invitational (09/16/1995)
Away Meet (vs. Elmwood Park, Minooka & Riverside (09/19/1995)
Aurora Central Catholic (Charger Classic) (09/23/1995)
Home Meet (vs. Kaneland, Morris, and Ridgewood) (09/26/1995)
Lisle (Mane Event) (09/30/1995)
Away Meet (vs. Fenton, Oswego, and Sycamore) (10/03/1995)
Benet Invitational (10/07/1995)
Suburban Prairie Conference Championships (10/14/1995)
IHSA Class A Aurora Central Catholic Regional (10/21/1995)
IHSA Class A Lisle Sectional (10/28/1995)
IHSA Class A State Finals (11/04/1995)
Away Meet (vs. Chicago Christian, Oak Lawn, and (09/03/1996)
Plainfield Invitational (09/07/1996)
Away Meet (vs. Kaneland and Yorkville) (09/10/1996)
Sandwich Invitational (09/14/1996)
Home Meet (vs. Evergreen Park and Morris) (09/17/1996)
Kaneland (Larry Eddington Invitational) (09/21/1996)
Home Meet (vs. Lemont) (09/24/1996)
Aurora Central Catholic (Charger Classic) (09/28/1996)
Away Meet (vs. Elmwood Park and Ridgewood) (10/01/1996)
Lisle (Mane Event) (10/05/1996)
Home Meet (vs. Evergreen Park, Lemont, Plainfiel (10/08/1996)
Benet Invitational (10/12/1996)
Suburban Prairie Conference Championship (10/19/1996)
IHSA Class A Lisle Regional (10/26/1996)
IHSA Class A Aurora Central Catholic Sectional (11/02/1996)
IHSA Class A State Finals (11/09/1996)
Home Meet (vs. Timothy Christian) (09/02/1997)
Plainfield Invitational (09/06/1997)
Away Meet (vs. Marmion and Wheaton Academy) (09/09/1997)
Sandwich Invitational (09/13/1997)
Kaneland (Larry Eddington Invitational) (09/20/1997)
Away Meet (vs. Evergreen Park) (09/23/1997)
Aurora Central Catholic (Charger Classic) (09/27/1997)
Home Meet (vs. Lemont) (09/30/1997)
Lisle (Mane Event) (10/04/1997)
Away Meet (vs. Elmwood Park and Ridgewood) (10/07/1997)
Benet Invitational (10/11/1997)
Suburban Prairie Conference Championship (10/18/1997)
IHSA Class A Aurora Central Catholic Regional (10/25/1997)
IHSA Class A Lisle Sectional (11/01/1997)
IHSA Class A State Finals (11/08/1997)
Home Meet (vs. Timothy Christian) (09/01/1998)
Plainfield Invitational (09/05/1998)
Away Meet (vs. St. Edward's and St. Francis) (09/08/1998)
Sandwich Invitational (09/12/1998)
Home Meet (vs. Yorkville) (09/15/1998)
Kaneland (Larry Eddington Invitational) (09/19/1998)
Home Meet (vs. Evergreen Park and Ridgewood) (09/22/1998)
Aurora Central Catholic (Charger Classic) (09/26/1998)
Away Meet (vs. Elmwood Park and Riverside-Brookf (09/29/1998)
Lisle (Mane Event) (10/03/1998)
Away Meet (vs. Kaneland, Lemont, and Yorkville) (10/06/1998)
Benet Invitational (10/10/1998)
Amboy (Columbus Day Invitational) (10/12/1998)
Suburban Prairie (White) Conference Championship (10/17/1998)
IHSA Lombard (Montini) Regional (10/24/1998)
IHSA Class A Lisle Sectional (10/31/1998)
IHSA Class A State Finals (11/07/1998)
Home Meet (vs. Timothy Christian) (08/31/1999)
Plainfield Invitational (09/04/1999)
Away Meet (vs. Montini and St. Francis) (09/07/1999)
Sandwich Invitational (09/11/1999)
Home Meet (vs. Sycamore and Yorkville) (09/14/1999)
Kaneland (Larry Eddington Invitational) (09/18/1999)
Away Meet (vs. Evergreen Park and Ridgewood) (09/21/1999)
Aurora Central Catholic (Charger Classic) (09/25/1999)
Away Meet (vs. Elmwood Park and Riverside-Brookf (09/28/1999)
Lisle (Mane Event) (10/02/1999)
Away Meet (vs. Lemont and Kaneland) (10/05/1999)
Amboy (Columbus Day Invitational) (10/11/1999)
Suburban Prairie (White Division) Conference Cha (10/15/1999)
IHSA Class A Aurora Central Catholic Regional (10/23/1999)
IHSA Class A Lisle Sectional (10/30/1999)
Home Meet (vs. Timothy Christian) (08/29/2000)
Plainfield Invitational (09/02/2000)
Away Meet (vs. Immaculate Conception) (09/05/2000)
Sandwich Invitational (09/09/2000)
Away Meet (vs. Evergreen Park and Kaneland) (09/12/2000)
Kaneland (Larry Eddington Invitational) (09/16/2000)
Away Meet (vs. Elmwood Park and Riverside-Brookf (09/19/2000)
Aurora Central Catholic (Charger Classic) (09/23/2000)
Home Meet (vs. Lemont and Sycamore) (09/26/2000)
Lisle (Mane Event) (09/30/2000)
Away Meet (vs. Morris and Yorkville) (10/03/2000)
Suburban Prairie (White Division) Conference Cha (10/14/2000)
IHSA Class A Aurora Central Catholic Regional (10/21/2000)
IHSA Class A Lisle Sectional (10/28/2000)
Away Meet (vs. Timothy Christian) (08/28/2001)
Plainfield Invitational (09/01/2001)
Home Meet (vs. Immaculate Conception) (09/04/2001)
Westmont Invitational (09/08/2001)
Away Meet (vs. Evergreen Park and Kaneland) (09/11/2001)
Kaneland (Larry Eddington Invitational) (09/15/2001)
Away Meet (vs. Elmwood Park and Riverside-Brookf (09/18/2001)
Aurora Central Catholic (Charger Classic) (09/22/2001)
Home Meet (vs. Lemont and Sycamore) (09/25/2001)
Lisle (Mane Event) (09/29/2001)
Home Meet (vs. Morris and Yorkville) (10/02/2001)
Suburban Prairie (White Division) Conference Cha (10/13/2001)
IHSA Lombard (Montini) Regional (10/20/2001)
IHSA Class A Lisle Sectional (10/27/2001)
Home Meet (vs. ACC and Timothy Christian) (09/03/2002)
Plainfield Invitational (09/07/2002)
Home Meet (vs. Nazareth) (09/10/2002)
Westmont Invitational (09/14/2002)
Away Meet (vs. ACC, Driscoll, and St. Edward's) (09/17/2002)
Kaneland (Larry Eddington Invitational) (09/21/2002)
Away Meet (vs. Fenton and Riverside-Brookfield) (09/24/2002)
Aurora Central Catholic (Charger Classic) (09/28/2002)
Home Meet (vs. Elmwood Park) (10/01/2002)
Lisle (Mane Event) (10/05/2002)
Away Meet (vs. Immaculate Conception) (10/08/2002)
Amboy (Columbus Day Invitational) (10/14/2002)
Suburban Prairie (Blue Division) Conference Cham (10/19/2002)
IHSA Westmont Regional (10/26/2002)
IHSA Class A Lisle Sectional (11/02/2002)
IHSA Class A State Finals (11/09/2002)
Home Meet (vs. ACC and Timothy Christian) (09/02/2003)
Plainfield Invitational (09/06/2003)
Away Meet (vs. Aurora Christian and Yorkville) (09/09/2003)
Westmont Invitational (09/13/2003)
Home Meet (vs. Evergreen Park, Fenton, and Ridge (09/16/2003)
Kaneland (Larry Eddington Invitational) (09/20/2003)
Home Meet (vs. Elmwood Park, Fenton, Riverside-B (09/23/2003)
Aurora Central Catholic (Charger Classic) (09/27/2003)
Away Meet (vs. Immaculate Conception and Montini (09/30/2003)
Lisle (Mane Event) (10/04/2003)
Home Meet (vs. Driscoll) (10/07/2003)
Amboy (Columbus Day Invitational) (10/13/2003)
Suburban Prairie East Division Conference Champi (10/18/2003)
IHSA Class A Lisle Regional (10/25/2003)
IHSA Class A Lisle Sectional (11/01/2003)
IHSA Class A State Finals (11/08/2003)
Home Meet (vs. ACC, Timothy Christian, and Walth (08/31/2004)
Plainfield Central Invitational (09/04/2004)
Home Meet (vs. Aurora Christian and Yorkville) (09/07/2004)
Westmont Invitational (09/11/2004)
Away Meet (vs. ACC, Immaculate Conception, and S (09/14/2004)
Kaneland (Larry Eddington Invitational) (09/18/2004)
Away Meet (vs. Elmwood Park and Fenton) (09/21/2004)
Aurora Central Catholic (Charger Classic) (09/25/2004)
Lisle (Mane Event) (10/02/2004)
Home Meet (vs. Chicago Christian and Somonauk) (10/05/2004)
Amboy (Columbus Day Invitational) (10/11/2004)
Suburban Prairie Conference Championship (10/16/2004)
IHSA Westmont Regional (10/23/2004)
IHSA Class A Lisle Sectional (10/30/2004)
Home Meet (vs. ACC, Timothy Christian, and Walth (08/30/2005)
Plainfield Central Invitational (09/03/2005)
Home Meet (vs. Aurora Christian) (09/06/2005)
Westmont Invitational (09/10/2005)
Away Meet (vs. Fenton, Lemont, Ridgewood, and Ri (09/13/2005)
Kaneland (Larry Eddington Invitational) (09/17/2005)
Away Meet (vs. Montini and St. Francis) (09/20/2005)
Aurora Central Catholic (Charger Classic) (09/24/2005)
Away Meet (vs. Beecher, Clifton, Gardner South-W (09/27/2005)
Lisle (Mane Event) (10/01/2005)
Amboy (Columbus Day Invitational) (10/10/2005)
Suburban Prairie Conference Championship (10/15/2005)
IHSA Westmont Regional (10/22/2005)
IHSA Class A Lisle Sectional (10/29/2005)
IHSA Class A State Finals (11/05/2005)
Home Meet (vs. ACC and Timothy Christian) (08/29/2006)
Plainfield Central (Wildcat Invitational) (09/01/2006)
Home Meet (vs. Nazareth and Walther Lutheran) (09/05/2006)
Westmont Invitational (09/09/2006)
Away Meet (vs. Elmwood Park, Fenton, Ridgewood a (09/12/2006)
Kaneland (Larry Eddington Invitational) (09/16/2006)
Home Meet (vs. Elmwood Park and Somonauk) (09/19/2006)
Aurora Central Catholic (Charger Classic) (09/23/2006)
Away Meet (vs. Beecher, Clifton, Lisle, Peotone, (09/26/2006)
Lisle (Mane Event) (09/30/2006)
Amboy (Columbus Day Invitational) (10/09/2006)
I-8 Conference/Independents Classic (10/14/2006)
IHSA Westmont Regional (10/21/2006)
IHSA Class A Lisle Sectional (10/28/2006)
IHSA Class A State Finals (11/04/2006)
Home Meet (vs. Timothy Christian, ACC and Somona (08/28/2007)
Plainfield Central (Wildcat Invitational) (09/01/2007)
Home Meet (vs. Hope and Nazareth) (09/04/2007)
Westmont Invitational (09/08/2007)
Away Meet (vs. Francis Parker, Jones, Latin, and (09/11/2007)
Kaneland (Larry Eddington Invitational) (09/15/2007)
Away Meet (vs. Elmwood Park) (09/18/2007)
Aurora Central Catholic (Charger Classic) (09/22/2007)
Away Meet (vs. Beecher, Clifton, Lisle, Reed-Cus (09/25/2007)
Lisle (Mane Event) (09/29/2007)
Away Meet (vs. Riverside-Brookfield) (10/02/2007)
Amboy (Columbus Day Invitational) (10/08/2007)
I-8 Conference/Independents Classic (10/13/2007)
IHSA Class 1A Luther North Regional (10/20/2007)
IHSA Class 1A Aurora Christian Sectional (10/27/2007)
IHSA Class 1A State Finals (11/03/2007)
Home Meet (vs. ACC and Timothy Christian) (09/02/2008)
Plainfield Central (Wildcat Invitational) (09/06/2008)
Home Meet (vs. Nazareth and St. Joseph's) (09/09/2008)
Westmont Invitational (09/18/2008)
Kaneland (Larry Eddington Invitational) (09/20/2008)
Away Meet @ Elmwood Park (vs. Elmwood Park and W (09/23/2008)
Aurora Central Catholic (Charger Classic) (09/27/2008)
Away Meet @ Reed-Custer (vs. Beecher, Clifton, L (09/30/2008)
Lisle (Mane Event) (10/04/2008)
Home Meet (vs. Riverside-Brookfield) (10/07/2008)
Amboy (Columbus Day Invitational) (10/13/2008)
I-8 Conference/Independents Classic (10/18/2008)
IHSA Class 1A Luther North Regional (10/25/2008)
IHSA Class 1A Aurora Christian Sectional (11/01/2008)
IHSA Class 1A State Finals (11/08/2008)
Home Meet (vs. Timothy Christian and Somonauk) (09/01/2009)
Plainfield Central (Wildcat Invitational) (09/05/2009)
Away Meet (vs. Chicago Hope and Nazareth) (09/08/2009)
Peoria (Woodruff Invitational) (09/12/2009)
Away Meet (vs. Francis Parker, Jones, and Univer (09/15/2009)
Kaneland (Larry Eddington Invitational) (09/19/2009)
Away Meet (vs. Elmwood Park) (09/22/2009)
Aurora Central Catholic (Charger Classic) (09/26/2009)
Away Meet (vs. Beecher, Clifton, Lisle, Reed-Cus (09/29/2009)
Lisle (Mane Event) (10/03/2009)
Home Meet (vs. ACC) (10/06/2009)
Amboy (Columbus Day Invitational) (10/12/2009)
I-8 Conference/Independents Classic (10/17/2009)
IHSA Class 1A Luther North Regional (10/24/2009)
IHSA Class 1A Aurora Christian Sectional (10/31/2009)
IHSA Class 1A State Finals (11/07/2009)
Home Meet (vs. Chicago Hope, Somonauk, and Timot (08/31/2010)
Plainfield Central (Wildcat Invitational) (09/04/2010)
Home Meet (vs. Nazareth and St. Joe's) (09/07/2010)
Peoria (Woodruff Invitational) (09/11/2010)
Away Meet @ Plano (vs. Aurora Christian, Plano, (09/14/2010)
Kaneland (Larry Eddington Invitational) (09/18/2010)
Home Meet (vs. ACC and Elmwood Park) (09/21/2010)
Aurora Central Catholic (Charger Classic) (09/25/2010)
Home Meet (vs. Lisle, Plano, and Seneca) (09/28/2010)
Lisle (Mane Event) (10/02/2010)
Away Meet @ ACC (vs. ACC and St. Edward's) (10/05/2010)
Amboy (Columbus Day Invitational) (10/11/2010)
I-8 Conference/Independents Classic (10/16/2010)
IHSA Class 1A Luther North Regional (10/23/2010)
IHSA Class 1A Aurora Christian Sectional (10/30/2010)
IHSA Class 1A State Finals (11/06/2010)
Home Meet (vs. Timothy Christian) (08/30/2011)
Plainfield Central (Wildcat Invitational) (09/03/2011)
Home Meet (vs. Nazareth and St. Joseph's) (09/06/2011)
Peoria (Woodruff Invitational) (09/10/2011)
Away Meet @ Plano (09/13/2011)
Bureau Valley (Storm Invitational) (09/17/2011)
Away Meet @ Elmwood Park (09/20/2011)
Aurora Central Catholic (Charger Classic) (09/24/2011)
Home Meet (vs. Lisle, Plano, Seneca, and Walther (09/27/2011)
Lisle (Mane Event) (10/01/2011)
Plano (Ross Greiter Invitational) (10/04/2011)
Amboy (Columbus Day Invitational) (10/10/2011)
I-8 Conference/Independents Classic (10/15/2011)
IHSA Class 1A Aurora Christian Regional (10/22/2011)
IHSA Class 1A Lisle Sectional (10/29/2011)
IHSA Class 1A State Finals (11/05/2011)
Home Meet (vs. Timothy Christian) (08/28/2012)
Plainfield Central (Wildcat Invitational) (09/01/2012)
Home Meet (vs. ACC, Nazareth, and St. Joseph's) (09/04/2012)
Peoria (First to the Finish/Woodruff Invitationa (09/08/2012)
Away Meet @ Plano (vs. Aurora Christian, Plano, (09/11/2012)
Bureau Valley (Storm Invitational) (09/15/2012)
Home Meet (vs. Elmwood Park) (09/18/2012)
Aurora Central Catholic (Charger Classic) (09/22/2012)
Home Meet (vs. Lisle, Plano, Seneca, and Walther (09/25/2012)
Lisle (Mane Event) (09/29/2012)
Plano (Ross Greiter Invitational) (10/02/2012)
Amboy (Columbus Day Invitational) (10/08/2012)
I-8 Conference/Independents Classic (10/13/2012)
IHSA Class 1A Aurora Christian Regional (10/20/2012)
IHSA Class 1A Lisle Sectional (10/27/2012)
IHSA Class 1A State Finals (11/03/2012)
Home Meet (vs. Timothy Christian) (09/03/2013)
Plainfield Central (Wildcat Invitational) (09/07/2013)
Home Meet (vs. Nazareth and St. Joseph's) (09/10/2013)
Peoria (First to the Finish/Woodruff Invitationa (09/14/2013)
Away Meet @ Plano (vs. Aurora Christian, Plano, (09/17/2013)
Bureau Valley (Storm Invitational) (09/21/2013)
Away Meet @ Elmwood Park (vs. Elmwood Park) (09/24/2013)
Aurora Central Catholic (Charger Classic) (09/28/2013)
Home Meet (vs. Lisle, Plano, Seneca and Walther (10/01/2013)
Lisle (Mane Event) (10/05/2013)
Plano (Ross Greiter Invitational) (10/08/2013)
Amboy (Columbus Day Invitational) (10/14/2013)
I-8 Conference/Independents Classic (10/19/2013)
IHSA Class 1A Aurora Christian Regional (10/26/2013)
IHSA Class 1A Lisle Sectional (11/02/2013)
IHSA Class 1A State Finals (11/09/2013)
First Day of Practice (08/13/2014)
Home Meet (vs. Timothy Christian) (09/02/2014)
Plainfield Central Wildcat Invite (09/06/2014)
Home Meet (vs. ACC, IC, and Nazareth) (09/09/2014)
Peoria First to the Finish Invitational (09/13/2014)
Plano Meet 1 (09/16/2014)
Bureau Valley (Storm Invitational) (09/20/2014)
Westmont vs. Elmwood Park and St. Joseph (09/23/2014)
Aurora Central Catholic (Charger Classic) (09/27/2014)
Westmont 500 @ Home (vs. Lisle, Plano, Seneca, a (09/30/2014)
Lisle (Mane Event) (10/04/2014)
Plano Ross Greiter Invitational (10/07/2014)
Amboy (Columbus Day Invitational) (10/13/2014)
I-8 Conference/Independents Classic (10/18/2014)
IHSA Class 1A Aurora Christian Regional (10/25/2014)
IHSA Class 1A Lisle Sectional (11/01/2014)
IHSA Class 1A State Finals (11/08/2014)
Nike Cross Nationals - Midwest Regional (11/16/2014)
Footlocker Cross Country Championships - Midwest (11/29/2014)
Nike Cross Nationals (12/06/2014)
Footlocker Cross Country Championships (12/13/2014)
Downers Grove South - Girls (02/21/2015)
Plainfield North - Girls (02/24/2015)
Hinsdale Central - Boys (02/26/2015)
Addison Trail - Girls (02/27/2015)
Hinsdale South - Boys (03/03/2015)
Hinsdale Central - Boys (03/06/2015)
Argonaut Indoor Invitational (03/07/2015)
West Chicago - Boys (03/10/2015)
Team Pictures (03/16/2015)
Reed-Custer Comet Classic (03/21/2015)
Illinois Prep Top Times (03/27/2015)
vs. Elmwood Park & Wheaton Academy (04/07/2015)
@ Timothy Christian (04/08/2015)
Lisle MegaMeet (04/11/2015)
@ Seneca (04/14/2015)
St. Francis Spartan Invitational (04/17/2015)
vs. Walther Lutheran, Cristo Rey, and Northtown (04/21/2015)
Chris Marszalek Invitational (04/24/2015)
Plano Track and Field of Dreams Invitational (04/25/2015)
Interstate 8 JV Conference Meet (04/28/2015)
Chicago Christian Knight Invitational (05/01/2015)
Interstate 8 Conference Championships (05/07/2015)
48th Annual Carlin Nalley Invitational (05/09/2015)
IHSA Girls Class 1A Sectional (05/15/2015)
Sandwich Invitational (05/16/2015)
Westmont JV Invitational (05/18/2015)
IHSA Girls Class 1A State Prelims (05/21/2015)
IHSA Boys Class 1A Sectional (05/22/2015)
IHSA Girls Class 1A State Finals (05/23/2015)
IHSA Boys Class 1A State Prelims (05/28/2015)
IHSA Boys Class 1A State Finals (05/30/2015)
Summer Running (06/08/2015)
University of Chicago Track Club Meet #4 (07/09/2015)
University of Chicago Track Club Meet #5 (07/16/2015)
University of Chicago Track Club Meet #6 (07/23/2015)
Run on your own (07/25/2015)
First Day of Practice (08/12/2015)
Cross Country Parent Meeting (08/13/2015)
Picture Day (08/25/2015)
Home vs. Timothy Christian (09/01/2015)
Plainfield Central (Wildcat Invitational) (09/05/2015)
Home vs. IC and Naz (Rescheduled) (09/09/2015)
Peoria First to the Finish Invitational (09/12/2015)
Plano Meet 1 (09/15/2015)
Bureau Valley (Storm Invitational) (09/19/2015)
Away @ Elmwood Park (09/22/2015)
Aurora Central Catholic Charger Classic Invitati (09/26/2015)
Westmont 500 at Home (09/29/2015)
Lisle (Mane Event) (10/03/2015)
Plano (Ross Greiter Invitational) (10/06/2015)
Amboy (Columbus Day Invitational) (10/12/2015)
I-8 Conference/Independents Classic (10/17/2015)
IHSA Class 1A Aurora Christian Regional (10/24/2015)
IHSA 1A Sectionals - Lisle (10/31/2015)
IHSA Class 1A State Championships (11/07/2015)
Fall Sports Awards (11/09/2015)
Nike Cross Nationals - Midwest Regional (11/15/2015)
FootLocker Midwest Regional (11/28/2015)
Nike Cross Nationals (12/05/2015)
Footlocker Cross Country Championships (12/12/2015)
First Day of Practice (01/19/2016)
Plainfield North (Girls) (02/17/2016)
Downers Grove South (Girls) (02/20/2016)
Hinsdale Central (Boys) (02/25/2016)
Addison Trail (Girls) (02/26/2016)
First Day of Outdoor Practice (02/29/2016)
Hinsdale South (Boys) (03/01/2016)
Hinsdale Central Invite (03/04/2016)
Argo Invitational (Girls) (03/05/2016)
Spring Sports Team Pictures (03/07/2016)
West Chicago (Boys) (03/08/2016)
Raider JV Open (03/10/2016)
Reed-Custer Invitational (Indoor) (03/19/2016)
Illinois Prep Top Times - Class A (03/25/2016)
Timothy Christian (04/06/2016)
CANCELED - Lisle MegaMeet (04/09/2016)
Seneca (Varsity only) (04/12/2016)
St. Francis Spartan Invitational (04/15/2016)
Home Meet (04/20/2016)
Plano Track & Field of Dreams Invitational (04/23/2016)
Interstate 8 JV Conference Championships (04/26/2016)
Chicago Christian Knight Invitational (04/29/2016)
Interstate 8 Conference Championships (05/05/2016)
49th Annual Carlin Nalley Invitational (Boys) (05/07/2016)
IHSA Girls Sectional (05/13/2016)
Sandwich Invitational (Boys) (05/14/2016)
Westmont JV Invitational (05/16/2016)
Spring Sports Awards (05/16/2016)
IHSA Boys Sectional (05/18/2016)
IHSA Class 1A Girls State Finals (05/19/2016)
IHSA 1A Boys State Championships (05/26/2016)
Race to the Flag 5K (05/29/2016)
Summer Running (7 AM) (06/06/2016)
Non-Contact Period (08/01/2016)
First Day of Practice (08/10/2016)
Parent Meeting (08/10/2016)
Team Pictures (08/22/2016)
First Day of School (08/29/2016)
Home Meet (vs. Timothy Christian) (08/30/2016)
Plainfield Central (Wildcat Invitational) (09/03/2016)
Home Meet (vs. ACC, IC, and Nazareth) (09/06/2016)
Peoria First to the Finish Invitational (09/10/2016)
Away Meet (@ Plano w/ Sandwich & Somonauk) (09/13/2016)
Bureau Valley (Storm Invitational) (09/17/2016)
Home Meet (vs. Elmwood Park & Valeo) (09/20/2016)
Aurora Central Catholic (Charger Classic) (09/24/2016)
Westmont 500 (vs. Lisle, Plano, Seneca, Walther (09/27/2016)
Lisle (Mane Event) (10/01/2016)
Plano (Ross Greiter Invitational) (10/04/2016)
Interstate 8 Conference Championships (10/15/2016)
IHSA Class 1A Lisle Regional (10/22/2016)
IHSA Class 1A Lisle Sectional (10/29/2016)
IHSA Class 1A State Finals (11/05/2016)
Fall Sports Awards (11/07/2016)
Summer Running (06/12/2017)
First Day of Practice (8 AM) (08/09/2017)
Parent Meeting (08/10/2017)
Home Meet (vs. Timothy Christian) (08/29/2017)
Plainfield Central Invite (09/02/2017)
Home Meet (vs. ACC, IC and Naz) (09/05/2017)
Peoria First to the Finish Invitational (09/09/2017)
Away Meet (at Plano) (09/12/2017)
Bureau Valley (Storm Invitational) (09/16/2017)
Away Meet (at Elmwood Park) (09/19/2017)
Elgin (Harvest Christian Invitational) (09/23/2017)
Home Meet (Westmont 500) (09/26/2017)
Lisle (Mane Event) (09/30/2017)
Plano (Ross Greiter Invitational) (10/03/2017)
Away Meet (vs. ACC & St. Francis) (10/05/2017)
Interstate Eight Conference Championship - RESCH (10/16/2017)
IHSA Regional (10/21/2017)
IHSA Sectional (10/28/2017)
IHSA 1A Boy's Cross Country State Championships (11/04/2017)
Fall Sports Awards (11/06/2017)
Raider JV Open (03/07/2018)
Raider JV Open (03/07/2018)
Summer Running - June Meetings (06/11/2018)
Summer Running - July Meetings (07/09/2018)
Practice Begins (08/08/2018)
Home Meet (vs. Timothy Christian) (08/28/2018)
Plainfield Central (Wildcat Invitational) (09/01/2018)
Home Meet (vs. ACC, IC and Naz) (09/04/2018)
Peoria First to the Finish Invitational (09/08/2018)
Peoria First to the Finish Invitational (09/08/2018)
Gardner South-Wilmington (Panther Invitational) (09/11/2018)
Bureau Valley (Storm Invitational) (09/15/2018)
Home Meet (vs. Elmwood Park) (09/18/2018)
Elgin (Harvest Christian Invitational) (09/22/2018)
Home Meet (Westmont 500) (09/25/2018)
Lisle (Mane Event) (09/29/2018)
Seneca (Irish Relays) (10/02/2018)
Interstate 8 Conference Championship/Independent (10/13/2018)
Class 1A Regional - Lisle (10/20/2018)
Class 1A Sectional - Lisle (10/27/2018)
IHSA 1A State Championships (11/03/2018)
Raider JV Open (03/06/2019)
Summer Running: 6/10 - 6/14 (06/10/2019)
Summer Running: 6/17 - 6/21 (06/17/2019)
Summer Running: 6/24 - 6/28 (06/24/2019)
Summer Running: 7/1 - 7/2 (07/01/2019)
Summer Running: 7/8 - 7/12 (07/08/2019)
Summer Running: 7/29 - 7/31 (07/29/2019)
First Day of Practice (08/12/2019)
Home Meet (vs. Timothy Christian) (09/03/2019)
Potluck Dinner (09/03/2019)
Plainfield Central (Wildcat Invitational) (09/07/2019)
Home Meet (vs. ACC, IC and Naz) (09/10/2019)
Peoria First to the Finish Invitational (09/14/2019)
Away Meet (at Elmwood Park) (09/17/2019)
Bureau Valley (Storm Invitational) (09/21/2019)
Home Meet (vs. St. Ed's and Walther Christian) (09/24/2019)
Elgin (Harvest Christian Invitational) (09/28/2019)
Home Meet (Westmont 500) (10/01/2019)
Lisle (Mane Event) (10/05/2019)
Seneca Irish Relays (10/08/2019)
Metro Suburban Conference Meet (10/19/2019)
IHSA Regional (10/26/2019)
IHSA Sectional (11/02/2019)
Fall Sports Awards Night (11/04/2019)
IHSA Class 1A State Final (11/09/2019)
Home Meet (vs. Timothy Christian) (09/01/2020)
Home Meet (vs. Ridgewood and Wheaton Academy) (09/05/2020)
Home Meet (vs. Aurora Central Catholic & Immacul (09/08/2020)
Home Meet (vs. Chicago Christian & Riverside-Bro (09/11/2020)
Home Meet (vs. Elmwood Park) (09/15/2020)
Away Meet (at St. Francis) (09/18/2020)
Home Meet (vs. Chicago Christian & St. Ed's) (09/22/2020)
Away Meet (at Bishop McNamara) (09/24/2020)
Home Meet (Westmont 500 vs. Lisle) (09/29/2020)
Home Meet (vs. Ridgewood) (10/03/2020)
Home Meet (vs. Timothy Christian) (10/06/2020)
Away Meet (at Ridgewood with R-B) (10/09/2020)
Metro Suburban Red Conference Championship (10/17/2020)
IHSA Class 1A Harvest Christian Regional (10/24/2020)
IHSA Class 1A Harvest Christian Sectional (10/31/2020)
Summer Running (Mon.-Thurs.) (06/21/2021)
Home Meet (vs. Timothy Christian) (08/31/2021)
Plainfield Central (Wildcat Invitational) (09/04/2021)
Home Meet (vs. ACC, Elmwood Park (girls) and Naz (09/07/2021)
Peoria First to the Finish Invitational (09/11/2021)
Away Meet (at Elmwood Park) (09/14/2021)
Bureau Valley (Dale Donner Invitational) (09/18/2021)
Home Meet (vs. Aqsa, Chesterton, St. Ed's and Wa (09/21/2021)
Elgin (Harvest Christian Invitational) (09/25/2021)
Westmont 500 (vs. Lisle & Plano) (09/28/2021)
Lisle (Mane Event) (10/02/2021)
Seneca Relays (10/05/2021)
Amboy (Columbus Day Invitational) (10/11/2021)
Metro Suburban Conference Championship (10/16/2021)
IHSA Kankakee (McNamara) Regional (10/23/2021)
IHSA Lisle (Sr.) Sectional (10/30/2021)
IHSA Class 1A State Final (11/06/2021)
Home Meet (vs. Timothy Christian) (08/30/2022)
Plainfield Central (Wildcat Invitational) (09/03/2022)
Home Meet (09/06/2022)
Peoria First to the Finish Invitational (09/10/2022)
Away Meet (at Elmwood Park) (09/14/2022)
Bureau Valley (Dale Donner Invitational) (09/17/2022)
Home Meet (09/20/2022)
Elgin (Harvest Christian Invitational) (09/24/2022)
Westmont 500 (09/27/2022)
Lisle (Mane Event) (10/01/2022)
Seneca Spooktacular Invitational (10/04/2022)
Amboy (Columbus Day Invitational) (10/10/2022)
MSC Red Division Conference Championship (10/15/2022)
IHSA Class 1A Lisle (Sr.) Regional (10/22/2022)
IHSA Class 1A Elgin (Harvest Christian) Sectiona (10/29/2022)
IHSA Class 1A State Final (11/05/2022)
Home Meet (vs. Timothy Christian) (08/29/2023)
Plainfield Central (Wildcat Invitational) (09/02/2023)
Home Meet (vs. TBD) (09/05/2023)
Peoria First to the Finish Invitational (09/09/2023)
Bureau Valley (Dale Donner Invitational) (09/16/2023)
Home Meet (vs. Asqa, Chesterton & Harvest Christ (09/19/2023)
Home Meet vs. Aqsa, Chesterton & Harvest Christi (09/19/2023)
Elgin (Harvest Christian Invitational) (09/23/2023)
Home Meet (vs. Westmont 500) (09/26/2023)
Lisle (Ken Jakalski Invitational) (09/30/2023)
Amboy (Columbus Day Invitational) (10/09/2023)
MSC Championship (10/14/2023)
IHSA Regional (10/21/2023)
IHSA Sectional (10/28/2023)
IHSA Class 1A State Final (11/04/2023)
Select an Event
55 Meter Dash
55 Meter Hurdles
60 Meter Dash
60 Meter Hurdles
100 Meter Dash
100 Meter High Hurdles
110 Meter High Hurdles
200 Meter Dash
300 Meter Hurdles
400 Meter Dash
400 Meter Hurdles
440 IM Hurdles
600 Meter Dash
800 Meter Run
1000 Meter Run
1500 Meter Run
1600 Meter Run
Mile Run
2k Steeplechase
3200 Meter Run
2 Mile
3K Steeplechase
1K Steeplechase
3 Mile
4 Mile
5 Mile
4X100 Relay
4X200 Relay
4X400 Relay
4X800 Relay
Distance Medley Relay
High Jump
Long Jump
Triple Jump
Pole Vault
Shot Put
Weight Throw
70 Yard Dash
70 Yard High Hurdles
70 Yard Intermediate Hurdles
150 Meter
220 Yard Dash
300 Yard Dash
300 Meter Dash
300 Meter
440 Yard Dash
500 Meter Dash
600 Yard Dash
880 Yard Dash
900 Meter
1.8 Miles
2k Run
50 Meter Dash
100 Yard Dash
120 Yard Hurdles
1.5 Miles
1.9 Miles
1.97 Miles
2.1 Miles
2.25 Miles
2.85 Miles
2.9 Miles
2.95 Miles
4.75 Miles
6 mile run
Mile Road Race
2.5k Road Race
2 Mile Road Race
3 Mile Road Race
5k Road Race
4 Mile Road Race
8k Road Race
5 Mile Road Race
6 Mile Road Race
10k Road Race
8 Mile Road Race
15k Road Race
10 Mile Road Race
Half Marathon
18 Mile Road Race
30k Road Race
50k Road Race
360 Yard High Hurdle Shuttle
4X110 Yard Relay
4X160 Relay
4X440 Relay
4X440 Yard Relay
4X880 Yard Relay
800 Meter Sprint Medley
1600 Sprint Medley Relay
4X110 Shuttle Hurdle Relay
4X1600 Relay
4 x Mile
2X5K Relay
Georgia Short Relay
Distance Medley Relay (Yards)
Gainey Relay
Old Javelin
200 Meter Hurdles
55 Meter Low Hurdles
55 Meter High Hurdles
4X400 Hurdle Relay
2.5 Mile Run
4x176 Yard Relay
50 Yard Dash
2.45 Miles
40 Yard Dash
50 Meter Hurdles
Sprint Medley
Mid. Distance Medley
10m Fly
3.05 Miles
2.97 Miles
Select A Course
Bureau Valley North Junior High (Manlius (Bureau Valley) High School)
Cantigny Park (Wheaton (St. Francis))
Dwight Country Club (Dwight High School)
Lisle Community Park (Lisle High School)
Morley Field - Balboa Park (Footlocker CC Nationals)
Reed Custer High School Fieldhouse (Braidwood (Reed-Custer) High School)
Sandwich High School (Sandwich)
St. Francis High School (Wheaton (St. Francis))
Stagg Field (University of Chicago)
Timothy Christian High School (Elmhurst (Timothy Christian))
Ty Warner Park (Westmont)
Westmont Athletic Complex (Westmont)
Wilde Field (Lisle)
Select a Class
Select a Class
Athlete Ascending
Athlete Descending
Time Ascending
Time Descending
Mark Ascending
Mark Descending
Meet Date Ascending
Meet Date Descending
Event Ascending
Event Descending
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